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Program Supervisor

Spring Break Overview

We had a busy spring break. We were all excited to be able to go on our first field trip since the pandemic started. Here are some highlights from our fun week.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM.... we made in a bag.

Ice Cream in a bag recipe:

- In a small zip lock bag combine

- 1/2 cup half ad half cream

- 1 Tbs sugar

- 1/4 tsp vanilla

- In Large ziplock bag put

- 3 cups ice

- 1/3 cup rock salt

Seal the small ziplock bag and place it in the large zip lock bag with the ice/ salt. Now SHAKE!! Shake the bags until the cream mixture develops into an ice cream consistency.

ENJOY with sprinkles and syrup!

Fitset Ninja field trip really put our muscles to the test!

Telus World of Science was a full day of exploration and wonderings.

We ended out week with our Annual Spring Fling dance and carnival. Some children spent their spare time creating carnival games for the rest of the centre to play and enjoy!

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