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At Garneau After School Centre, we have a child centered approach to child care. We believe in learning through play and allowing children to choose the activities they wish to engage in. We aim to create a safe and cheerful environment in which our children play and learn, during the hours that they are not in school, and their parents are at work or in training.


Our program encourages children to respect themselves, others and their room environment, to be responsible for their actions and to cooperate as a part of a community. Our program is designed to meet the emotional, physical, intellectual, social and creative needs of each and every child.


Provide, together with the family, a quality, school age child care program, in a safe and fun environment, where the children can play and learn life skills in an atmosphere of trust and support.

Call Us: 780-432-0345   /   /   10925 87 Ave NW Edmonton Alberta

© 2023 by Garnaeu After School Care

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